Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The House

This is my house. Thought you might like to see it.

Also, if you feel the need to send me anything, well -- I wish you luck. The postal service is terrible. But your best bet is to send it to me here:

VSO Sierra Leone
3A Millicent Drive
Off Wilkinson Road
Freetown, Sierra Leone
P.O. Box 19

Phone: (232) 076-200-399


ceceholt said...

Grantley, you are right smack dab in the middle of things; that is a quote from a third grade book I just read to my class (Gooney Bird Greene). Right smack dab in the middle sounds okay.

Hey, when I looked at your blog I asked myself "Why does Grant have a photo of Becky's house in Thailand. That must be the generic volunteer house!! Abrazos, Tia C

Noticed a glog (blog) for someone who is a VSO volunteer in Namibia; we have a great priest friend there and Becky has a high school friend who is a Peace Corps Volunteer in Namibia.

Next time I am at Starbucks (soon) I will buy YOUR book!!

Mom and Dad said...

Thanks so much for the picture of your house, Grant!! I can rest easier! I, too, wondered about it looking just like Becky's house!
I still cannot fathom living without electricity. Amazing! It was so good to talk to you the other day. Even if we can't see you, it's good to hear your voice. Let us know how your Thanksgiving chicken turned out! We missed you here.
Love you, MOM
P.S. Remember who you are, and ride (your bike) safely!!

Anonymous said...

It's gorgeous!!

Sa Lone Pikin